
Saturday, January 28, 2012

1914 Carnegie Library, Parsons, Kansas

[LIB6174] - Dedicated November 14, 1907. 1975 – As the Carnegie building became more crowded, citizens of Parsons realized the need for a new building, and in October 1975, voters approved a $260,000 bond for a new 18,000 square foot building. The Parsons Urban Renewal Agency gave an additional $295,500 for the project.

This postcard also shows the First Presbyterian Church.

1909 Public Library, Portland, Oregon

[LIB6173] - What is now Multnomah County Library dates its existence from 1864, a time when Portland was a frontier town with frame buildings, muddy streets and few sidewalks. A small group of Portland citizens met to establish a subscription library and reading room, organizing under the name "Library Association of Portland." [Read more at the Website]

Free Library, Port Jefferson, Long Island, New York

[LIB6172] - Special Collection Suffolk Historic Newspapers is a searchable collection of Suffolk's newspaper heritage dating back to 1839. Articles can be viewed separately or as they appear on the newspaper page. They can be saved to your local computer, printed, and emailed.

Suffolk Historic Newspapers is a cooperative project of the public libraries of Suffolk County, New York. Funding and support has been provided by the public libraries, by the Library Services and Construction Act through the New York State Library, the office of New York State Senator Carl Marcellino, and others. Click here for free access!

Carnegie Library, Jacksonville, Illinois

[LIB6171] - After being contacted in 1901 by Jacksonville lawyer Lawrence O. Vaught, Andrew Carnegie pledged $40,000 for the erection of a public library building in Jacksonville. The Jacksonville Public Library officially opened in its permanent home, the Carnegie building at 201 W. College Avenue, on February 23, 1903. [From the website]

Though the original has been renovated, it is still in use as a library.

Carnegie Library, Burlington, Vermont

[LIB6170] - By 1901 the library had outgrown its location in the old City Hall building. In the same year, Andrew Carnegie made a gift of $50,000 for the construction of a new library. On August 17th, 1904, the new library was dedicated and opened for business. For almost 70 years the Carnegie building served the community well, but in 1973 the building sustained structural damage due to the settling of the northwest corner of the foundation (where poor quality material used to fill the former railroad ravine was settling). The collection was moved that year to temporary quarters in Contois Auditorium in City Hall, then a few months later to the basement of Memorial Auditorium.

In the early to mid 1970's there was some pressure from the citizenry to demolish the Carnegie building and rebuild on the site. In response, a group of Burlington residents formed The Committee to Save the Fletcher Free Library Building. A petition was circulated, and as a result, the building was added to the National Register of Historic Places in May of 1974. In 1977, an E.D.A. grant of $234,000 made possible the stabilization and external repair of the building. [From the library website]

McGhee Library, York College, York, Nebraska

[LIB6169] - A two year Liberal Arts Christian College established in 1890. [From the back of the card] Website

1910 Library, Bakersfield, California

[LIB6168] - The genealogy collection contains books, magazines, printed vital records, and books on heraldry and family names. Complete California census records through 1920 are available on microfilm. Also, the library has the microfiche index to the collection of the Sutro Library.


The South Carolina State Library, Columbia, South Carolina

[LIB6167] - A direct descendant of America's first public library established in Charles Town (Charleston, SC) in 1698, the State Library is the hub of library activity in South Carolina. The new building, completed in 1969, houses an extensive reference collection. [From the back of the card]

The South Carolina Department of Archives & History provides many records online, including Legislative Papers 1782 - 1866, Will Transcripts 1782 - 1855, and Records of Confederate Veterans 1909 - 1973. Access to the database is free, click here.

Library, Manchester, Vermont

[LIB6166] - An early 20th century post card mailed to Mrs. S. Schooly, Great Meadows, New Jersey.

Also known as the Mark Skinner Library, built in 1898.

Free Public Library, Cherry Hill, New Jersey

[LIB6165] - Opened October, 1966. Malcom Wells, architect. Malcolm Wells (March 11, 1926 – November 27, 2009) is sometimes regarded as "the father of modern earth-sheltered architecture." [Wikipedia]

1937 Forbes Library, Northampton, Massachusetts

[LIB6164] - Posted February 28, 1937 from Northampton, this post card was sent to Mr. Loring Bowen, New Haven, Connecticut. Mr. Bowen may have been a graduate of Yale University. [New York Times Obituary]

The Forbes Library opened in 1894, as a result of a bequest by Judge Charles E. Forbes, who wished to build a public library for the citizens of Northampton. The massive three-story stone building, which is on the Register of Historic Buildings, was designed by William Brocklesby to be completely fire proof with all steel framing and stone, slate, and copper exterior. [Read more at the library website]

Public Library, Gravenhurst, Ontario, Canada

[LIB6163] - Bessie sent this card to Mrs. Thomas Young, of Midland Park, New Jersey. "I must add another library to your little collection." Years later, it has found its way onto this site.

1907 Public Library, Chariton, Iowa

[LIB6162] - This postcard was addressed to Miss Jessie Combs, Red Oak, Iowa. It was sent to her from her Cousin Sarah.

This library was dedicated on Oct 28, 1904. It is still in use as a library.

1912 Free Public Library, St. John, New Brunswick, Canada

[LIB6161] - Closed in 1983, this building is now home to the Saint John Arts Centre. [Wikipedia]

Library, Warren Wilson College, Swannanoa, North Carolina

[LIB6160] - 1967 Warren Wilson becomes four-year college. A college with a fascinating history, read more here.

1916 Jane A. Chilcote Free City Library, Washington, Iowa

[LIB6159] - 1901-1952

In 1901 Jane A. Chilcote, widow of Dr. Alexander Chilcote, bequeathed her house at 120 E. Main to the City of Washington to use as a public library. In her honor, the library was affectionately known as the Jane A. Chilcote Library for many years. Original portraits of both Jane and Alexander Chilcote can be seen on the second floor of the public library, behind the information desk. The Chilcote house was extensively remodeled to serve as the library. A lovely painting of the Chilcote Library by Edna Jones can be seen in the second reading room of the public library above the globe. During the late forties and early fifties the house had begun to seriously deteriorate. The foundation had begun to crumble and the walls and floors were infested with termites. In 1952 the city undertook the construction of a new building on the site funded in large part by major donations by Fort Sherman and Ralph Smith. The Chilcote house was demolished and the main portion of the new E. Main building was constructed. The building built in 1952 was about 7,100 square feet and included an upstairs meeting room and a storage / research room that now houses the genealogical library. The gallery was remodeled in 1971. [Read more at the Library Website]

1926 Carpenter Memorial Library, Manchester, New Hampshire

[LIB6158] - The Manchester City Library has been a cultural treasure to Manchester and New Hampshire since 1854. In his inaugural address that year, Mayor elect Frederick Smyth proposed the establishment of a free public library for all of Manchester's citizens. During the previous decade, the Manchester Athenaeum had been used and enjoyed by its members. The Manchester Athenaeum collection was officially transferred to the city on September 6, 1854, bringing to life Mayor Smyth's dream of a Manchester City Library. [More from the website]

1946 Benson Memorial Library, Titusville, Pennsylvania

[LIB6157] - The Benson Memorial Library was founded in 1904.

Pennsylvania Log Library, Grant, Alabama

[LIB6156] - The library of the Kate Duncan Smith D.A.R. School. Located in the town of Grant, Marshall County, the Kate Duncan Smith DAR School (KDS) is the only K-12 school in the United States owned and operated by chapters of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). Founded in 1924 by the Alabama Society DAR, the school was named to the National Register of Historic Places on October 11, 2002. [Encyclopedia of Alabama]

Friday, January 27, 2012

1946 Mary Cheney Library, Manchester, Connecticut

[LIB6101] - 1937 South Manchester Free Public Library moves into a new building and is renamed Mary Cheney Library, located 'in Center Park' on Main Street. Money for the building is made possible from Cheney Brothers fund and Federal Public Works Administration funds. [Read more at the website]

1915 Sheldon Library, St. Paul's School, Concord, New Hampshire

[LIB6100] - A new library — designed by Robert A. M. Stern and Carroll Cline — opened in 1991.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Carnegie Public Library, Coshocton, Ohio

[LIB6016] - The Local History and Genealogy Department at the Coshocton Public Library houses an extensive collection of books, and pamphlet files, and microfilm of local newspapers and probate court records dating to the early 1800s. Visit their website today!

1898 Vintage Stereopgraph, The Library of the University, Cairo, Egypt

[LIB6015] - Copyright 1898 by BW Kilburn. Card is numbered 12419. Photographed and published by B. W. Kilburn, Littleton, New Hampshire.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Carnegie Library, Marion, Iowa

[LIB6101] - "We must and will have a public library in Marion," reiterated Adeliza Daniels, a leader in endeavors for improvements in the city in which she was born and lived a full life of 93 years. Through her efforts, the Marion Federation of Women's Clubs was organized in November, 1901, by the women of the city for the express purpose of getting a public library for Marion. She wrote to Andrew Carnegie for funds. When he donated $11,500, the Marion Carnegie Public Library was on its way. [Read more on the website]

1949 Public Library, Machias, Maine

[LIB6100] - Rufus King Porter, a local lawyer and prominent member of Machias society, housed the book collection in his law office on Cooper Street for many years. The first book catalog printed in 1843 listed 600 titles. [Read more at the website]

Friday, January 20, 2012

Gloversville Free Library, Gloversville, New York

[LIB4008] - The first library was organized in Gloversville in 1803 and called the Farmer's Library. In 1853, the Young Ladies Library Association was established and the first books purchased in 1855. Gentlemen were allowed to become honorary members by paying 25 cents a year. This enabled them to attend the monthly socials and escort the young ladies home.

In 1873, a new organization called the Young People's Library absorbed the older group. This organization exerted a great deal of influence in the community, but because no trained librarian was on hand, old books wore out or disappeared and few new ones were purchased. The first full service library in Gloversville was the Levi Parsons Library of Gloversville and Kingsboro established in 1880. [Library Website]

Hugh Stephens Research Library, Stephens College, Columbia, Missouri

[LIB4007] - The Hugh Stephens Library opened in 1964 as the central building of the James Madison Wood Quadrangle. With more than 39,030 square feet of floor space on four floors, the library has a seating capacity of 400 and a shelf capacity of 130,000 volumes. The library is staffed by three professional librarians, four adjunct librarians, one circulation manager and 17 student library assistants. [From the website]

1967 Public Library, Hammond, Indiana

[LIB4835] - The Public Library, located at 5011 Hohman Avenue, was built in 1904. At present there are 150,000 volumes available to readers. [From the back of the card]

This building has been demolished. For more details and photos, click here.

Library, Pepperell, Massachusetts

[LIB4834] An unused postcard published by W.B. Hale, Williamsville, Mass. (Germany), no. 1773.

Pepperell’s first library was called the Pepperell Social Library, which was established in 1795. The Lawrence Library dedicated in 1901 was a gift by Charles Farrar Lawrence, who bequeathed the funds for the purchase of the land, design, construction and the furnishing of the building. The architects were Ernest Flagg and W.B. Chambers who are known for designing the Washington state capitol building; Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington, DC; the Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland; St. Luke’s Hospital, NYC and many others.

The Library is home to Sidney M. Shattuck's (1876-1917) personal collection of 110 local birds, all carefully mounted and labeled and on permanent display at the Library. [From the website]

Monday, January 9, 2012

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

1941 Congressional Library Annex, Washington, DC

[LIB4412] The John Adams Building is one of three library buildings of the Library of Congress in the United States. The building was originally built simply as an annex to the Library's Main Building (the Thomas Jefferson Building). It opened its doors to the public on January 3, 1939. It is located on Second Street SE between Independence Avenue and East Capitol Street in Washington, DC. [Wikipedia]

1910 Public Library, Kewanee, Illinois

[LIB4408] - The citizens of Kewanee , Illinois established their first library in 1875. The initial site for the Library was in the newly built town hall. Later, in 1880 it was moved to the Odd Fellows Building .

In 1901 Andrew Carnegie promised $20,000 to the city of Kewanee for a library building. A condition of the grant was that the citizens agree to purchase a site and support the maintenance of the library with income.

Architects, Patton & Miller were hired to construct the building. A cornerstone was laid in 1906.

The current library was open for business in 1908. {From the website]

Albertson Public Library, Orlando, Florida

[LIB4407] - Captain Charles L. Albertson, a retired Police Inspector of New York City, and a winter resident of Orlando, had for many years been collecting books at his home in Waverly, New York. In November 1920, Captain Albertson offered his collection to the City of Orlando, on the condition that it furnish a suitable building to house it. The contract between the city of Orlando and Captain Albertson provided that Orlando would accept the gift of the Albertson collection and furnish the library building; that the library should be known as the Albertson Public Library; that Captain Albertson should be Advisory Superintendent of the Library throughout his lifetime; and that Orlando should suitably maintain the Library. This building has been demolished. [From the website]

Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts

[LIB4406] - Through the generosity of Arthur A. Houghton, Jr., Harvard Class of 1929, Harvard became the first American university to construct a separate research facility for the housing and study of rare books and manuscripts. The Boston architectural firm of Perry, Shaw, and Hepburn designed a classic neo-Georgian building, incorporating what was then state-of-the-art technology for climate control, air filtration, security, and the shelving of materials. The Houghton Library, dedicated and opened in 1942, won major architectural awards and became a model for other such research libraries. [From the website]

Yuma City County Library, Yuma, Arizona

[LIB4405] - As Yuma County had no public libraries, in 1958 a formal contract was signed between the City of Yuma and Yuma County for county library services within Yuma County.
Carnegie Library’s name was changed to Yuma City-County Library (YCCL).

Bookmobile service was started with three-month loan of a bookmobile from the Library Extension Service, Arizona State Library.

In 1965 a $165,000 City of Yuma Bond passed to enlarge and remodel the YCCL to a total of 22,605 square feet, This was matched by federal funds.
On March 21, 1966 the YCCL Groundbreaking ceremonies were held, and YCCL construction was completed in October of 1966, at a cost of $335,000. The architect was James S. Liberty, and the contractor was Dennis Construction.

The remodeled Library had seating for 100, and 16 full time employees. [From the website]