
Saturday, March 31, 2012

1954 The James V. Brown Library, Williamsport, Pennsylvania

[LIB6623] The Brown Library was a bequest to the city from lumber baron and philanthropist James VanDuzee Brown who died on December 8, 1904, at age 78. Already a widower with no children, Brown had dreamt for years of giving Williamsport a free, public library. The idea for the library was suggested by his late wife, Carile Brown. [More from the website]

Martin Memorial Library, York, Pennsylvania

[LIB6622] - Martin Library 159 E Market St York, PA 17401 (717) 846-5300 Website

1945 Yandes Library, Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Indiana

[LIB6621] - Originally the Wabash Library, the former Yandes Hall was completed in 1890 as a gift to his alma mater from Simon Yandes, an Indianapolis attorney. In 1993 renovations took place thanks to a gift from local artist and alumnus Lee Detchon.

1923 Old Books Store, G.F. Castleden Pen and Ink Sketch

[LIB6620] - Castleden's studio was located at 623 St. Peter Street, New Orleans, La. This is a typical old book shop on Royal Street.

1909 Public Library, Utica, New York

[LIB6619] - 1838 Utica's first free public library begins, the result of New York State establishing school district libraries.

1941 Library, Westborough, Massachusetts

[LIB6618] - The Westborough Room, located on the main floor was established to help preserve Westborough's history. Its collection consists of vital records, town reports, genealogy publications, maps, photographs, and other materials of local historical and genealogical interest. [Website] Next to the schools in educational value comes the public library. The nucleus of the present collection of books, as Mr. De Forest has already shown,1 came into the possession of the town in 1857. The first board of trustees consisted of the Rev. Luther H. Sheldon, the Rev. William H. Walker, and Samuel M. Griggs. They reported in the spring of 1858 that the number of books catalogued was three hundred and seventy-five, but that many, which "were found to be worthless, from their peculiar character and antiquity," were packed away in boxes. In 1864 Miss Jane S. Bccton, who retained the position for twenty-five years, was appointed librarian. The library remained in the rear of the old Parkman Store until 1868, when it was removed to a room in the Town Hall. In 1879 the town received from a former resident, William R. Warner, of Fall River, the gift of one hundred and seventeen volumes. In 1880 the library was closed for three months, and a new catalogue was prepared. The following year saw the addition of a reference department and reading-room. In 1888 Miss Clara S. Blake was appointed assistant-librarian, and on Miss Beeton's resignation in 1889 became her successor. [The History of Westborough, Massachusetts: Part I. The Early History. By Heman Packard De Forest. Part II. The Later History. By Edward Craig Bates, Part 1 (Google eBook)]

Public Library, Medford, Massachusetts

[LIB6617] - Website The Medford Public Library had its origin in the Medford Social Library, founded in 1825 by a society whose design, as set forth in their constitution was to collect books, promotive of piety and good morals and to aid in the diffusion of valuable information. The shares in the library were placed at one dollar each, and subject to an assessment of fifty cents a year. A payment of ten dollars or more in one payment entitled a person to life membership, with all the privileges of membership without assessment. Mr. Turell Tufts in his will bequeathed the sum of $500.00 to the town as a perpetual trust, the interest of which was secured to this library for the purchase of valuable books. The establishment of a public library was brought before the town at a meeting held March 12, 1855, and a committee was chosen to confer with the trustees of the Social Library in regard to making its collection of books the basis of a public library. Their final report was submitted to the town March 10, 1856. In addition to the rules and regulations submitted for the acceptance of the town, they also reported the following agreement made with a committee of the trustees of the Social Library:— "The undersigned, committee of the trustees of the Medford Social Library, having been authorized at an adjournment of the last annual meeting of the stockholders of said library, to transfer, in behalf of said stockholders, the use of the books in said library, as the foundation of a permanent town library, to be supported and managed by the authority of the town; and Messrs .William Haskins, Charles Cummings and Judah Loring, having been chosen by the town in April last, to act for the town in this matter; we agree by this writing in behalf of said stockholders, to transfer to them, and through them to the town of Medford, the books, shelves,etc.,of said Social Library, and also the annual income from the funds of said Library; said income to be applied for the benefit of said library; reserving only to the said stockholders the privilege of having said books, etc., returned to them in good order (reasonable wear excepted) whenever in the judgement of said stockholders the town does not provide reasonable care and good management for said books." Peter C. Hall, Alvah N. Cotton, [Proceedings of the two hundred and seventy-fifth anniversary of the settlement of Medford, Massachusetts, June Nineteen Hundred and Five: prefaced by a brief history of the town and city from the day of settlement (Google eBook)]

1906 Lithgow Library, Augusta, Maine

[LIB6615] - This postcard was mailed from the Chelsea Station (Boston) at 9:00 a.m. February 22, 1906 and arrived at the Everett Station (Boston) at 5:30 p.m. February 22nd.

Public Library,Savannah, Georgia

[LIB6613] - The history of the Live Oak Public Libraries can be traced back to the turn of the century in Savannah. Established in 1903, the Savannah Public Library consisted of a 23,000 volume collection housed in one room of the Georgia Historical Society. Ten years later the Carnegie Library opened on East Henry Street to serve Savannah’s black community. Surrounded by late-Victorian homes and adjacent to a small city park modeled on the squares in historic downtown Savannah the main library building on Bull Street opened for use in 1916. The library was built at a cost of $104,041.78 with a Carnegie grant. Its neoclassical design was provided by architect H. W. Witcover, who also designed Savannah’s City Hall. In 1936, WPA programs provided for the addition of a small wing filled with book stacks and a mural depicting a scene from the Robin Hood story in the children’s room. [From the website]

1909 Public Library, Detroit, Michigan

[LIB6612] - The state constitution adopted in 1835 contained a provision that all fines and penalties collected in criminal cases should be devoted to the establishment and maintenance of public libraries. On January 8, 1842, the board of school inspectors of the City of Detroit adopted a resolution to the effect: "That an order be drawn on the county treasurer for the proportion due the Township of Detroit of the moneys paid into the county treasury as equivalents for exemptions from military fines, and for the clear proceeds of all fines for breaches of the penal laws; and in case the treasurer refuses to pay, that the city attorney, or some other proper person, be requested to apply to the present Supreme Court for a mandamus to compel the treasurer to pay the same." (The city of Detroit, Michigan, 1701-1922, Volume 5 (Google eBook))

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

1907 Gordon-Nash Library, New Hampton, New Hampshire

[LIB6587] - Gordon-Nash Library came to New Hampton through the generosity of the late Stephen Gordon Nash of Boston. The library first opened to the public in 1896 with Rev. Lewis P. Bickford serving as librarian. It was formally opened to the public, with interesting and appropriate ceremonies, June 25th, 1906. A volume entitled “New Hampton,” published shortly after that event, contains the dedicatory addresses, a poem by Mrs. Nash, and much valuable information concerning the inception and the carrying out of the far-reaching plans of the donor. The records of the corporation, also, preserve important historical matter, as well as facts of much interest concerning the later development of the library. [From the website]

1942 Russell Library, Middletown, Connecticut

[LIB6586] - "It is believed that the commendable examples given in the following report, of other towns of New England profusely contributing to such institutions, will stimulate our people to some action towards improving the resources of the Russell Library. This centennial year of our city is a fitting time for such a good work. If all of our citizens would contribute as they are able it is believed that the required sum would be readily raised." [Public support of the Free Public Library: A report made to the Trustees of the Russell Library, by G.F. Winchester, Librarian. Printed by order of the Trustees (Google eBook)]

1906 New Public Library, Providence, Rhode Island

[LIB6585] - Proceedings of the General Assembly, held for the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, at South Elngstovm, the 25th day of February, 1760. The Hon. Stephen Hopkins, Governor. The Hon. John Gardner, Deputy Governor. An Act for raising $ 1,200, in order to re-establish the library, lately consumed by fire, in the town of Providence. Whereas, the proprietors of the aforesaid library preferred a petition, and represented unto this Assembly, that almost all the books and papers of which the said library was composed, were, with their book cases, destroyed, when the court house in said Providence, was burnt; and thereupon prayed for liberty to put forth a lottery sufficient to raise twelve hundred milled dollars, for re-establishing said library. Upon due consideration whereof, and as the re-establishing of the aforesaid library is of a public nature, tending to promote virtue and the good of mankind,— Be it enacted by this General Assembly, and by the authority of the same it is enacted, that the proprietors of the late library, called and known by the name of the Providence Library, which was destroyed, as aforesaid, be, and they hereby are, authorized and fully empowered to open and set up a lottery in the town of Providence, consisting of $12,000; out of which, a deduction of ten per cent, shall be made, for raising the aforesaid sum of $1,200, to be by the said proprietors applied toward purchasing books for re-establishing the said library, and defraying the charges of the said lottery, which is to consist of six thousand tickets, at $2 each; whereof, one thousand five hundred and twenty-nine to be fortunate, to wit: [Here follows the scheme of the lottery. Its directors were Benjamin Cushing and Samuel Nightingale, Esqs., Messrs. Darins Sessions, Baulston Brayton, Job Sweeting and Joseph Turpin.] [Available as a GGoogle eBook]

1925 Ferguson Library, Stamford, Connecticut

[LIB6582] - 1877 John Day Ferguson leaves a bequest of $10,000 to aid in the establishment of a public library on the condition that fellow citizens donate $25,000. [From the library website]

John Hay Memorial Library, Providence, Rhode Island

[LIB6581] - For a complete history of this library, now part of the Brown University Library System, click here.

Library Building, Colorado State College of Education, Greeley, Colorado

[LIB6580] - James A. Michener Library (not pictured) - The University of Northern Colorado’s main library houses approximately 1.8 million items including books, periodicals, government publications, CDs, videos, DVDs and maps. It is named after author James A. Michener, who received his master's degree from and taught at the university before beginning his writing career. Michener bequeathed the majority of his literary legacy to the university upon his death. The reference desk at the library is open to the public from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. weekdays.

1905 Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York

[LIB6579] - Special Collection: Human Sexuality Collection The Human Sexuality Collection seeks to preserve and make accessible primary sources that document historical shifts in the social construction of sexuality, with a focus on U.S. lesbian and gay history and the politics of pornography. Lesbian, bisexual, gay, and transgendered politics on the national level is a major strength of the Collection.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Library Shelves from 17" Laptop For Mac & PC Skin

Express your personal style and defend your device with a custom 17" Laptop For Mac & PC skin! Made of ultrathin and super-durable Avery MPI vinyl, Zazzle 17" Laptop For Mac & PC skins feature patented air release technology for a smooth, zero-bubble surface that protects your device from everyday scratches and scuffs without adding bulk. Printed and laminated with the highest quality standards and precision fitted for your 17" Laptop For Mac & PC, this custom skin will look sharp and brilliant with your designs, photos, and text.
Library Shelves musicskins_skin
Library Shelves by Bebops
See other gift ideas from Zazzle.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

1910 My Address is Still Springfield, Massachusetts

[LIB6531] - This card shows the Public Library.

Public Library, Colton, California

[LIB6529] - 1908 Carnegie Library. Now home to the Colton Area Museum, in 2009 the city of Colton closed the entire library system to save money.
Order a reproduction of this postcard!

Merrick Public Library, Brookfield, Massachusetts

[LIB6528] - This building was dedicated for the use of the Merrick Public Library, by public exercises in the Town Hall, on the evening of January 31st, 1884. Still in use as a public library. [Visit the website of the library]