
Thursday, September 27, 2012

University of SC library acquires special collection of rare Ernest Hemingway published works - The Washington Post

University of SC library acquires special collection of rare Ernest Hemingway published works - The Washington Post:

A love of Ernest Hemingway’s writing and the thrill of tracking down his many works led a Mississippi physician to amass a huge literary collection and donate it to the University of South Carolina so students and scholars could share it.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Birmingham library friends preserving 1926 Jim Crow-era map that promoted racial zoning |

Birmingham library friends preserving 1926 Jim Crow-era map that promoted racial zoning |

The 1926 zoning map is an impor­tant artifact of the city's civil rights his­tory, said Charles E. Connerly, author of the book, "The Most Segregated City in America: City Planning and Civil Rights in Birmingham, 1920-1980."

Monday, September 24, 2012

Memorial Library, Montour Falls, New York

[LIB7044] An outstanding examples of Greek Revival architecture, the structure was built in 1864 to house Charles Cooks’ Bank of Havana. It is built along the lines of the Greek cross. The unique curved bricks in the round Doric columns were made in a local kiln from clay mined on the east hill. Used as a bank until 1884, it was then reconfigured into a library and presented to the Village of Montour Falls in 1904 by Jesse Woodhull. A beautiful bow window was added, composed of leaded panels of Tiffany glass, each panel centered with a stained glass medallion design representing the jeweled lamp of learning. The interior still contains the original tile fireplace, the fresco moldings, and paneling. (from “THE GLORIOUS T” HISTORIC DISTRICT: A Self-Guided Walking Tour)

New Library, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey

[LIB7043] General Rare Books: Holdings include approximately 200,000 rare and historically significant printed books in Western languages, with remarkable collections of early European and American imprints, annotated books, historic bindings, emblem books, limited editions, presentation copies, and association copies. The Rare Books Division is especially strong in classical Latin texts; American history and literature; English history and literature; angling and sporting books; and, to a lesser extent, French, German, and Latin American literature. Of special interest are the Morris L. Parrish Collection of Victorian Novelists, the Howard Behrman Collection of American Literature, the Miriam Y. Holden Collection on American Women, the Grenville Kane Collection of Americana, and the Junius Spencer Morgan Collection of Virgil. Recent collecting has focused on materials relating to modern Greece, thus supporting the University's program in Hellenic Studies. Individual items are listed in the Main catalog. Collective descriptions are available in the Guide to Selected Special Collections of Printed Books and Other Materials in the Princeton University Library at

Public Library, Greenfield, Massachusetts

[LIB7013] The GPL is currently housed in the Leavitt-Hovey House which was designed by Asher Benjamin, the writer of the first architectural pattern book published in America. Built in 1797 for Atty. Jonathan Leavitt, it was later owned by George Hovey, a local area merchant. In 1907 the Town of Greenfield purchased the building for the purpose of renovating it to become a public library. While the exterior was preserved, the wings needed to be rebuilt. The library opened on January 11, 1909 with close to a thousand people in attendance. (Kellogg, History of Greenfield 1900 - 1929).

Carnegie Public Library, Scottsburg, Indiana

[LIB7012] Structure of brick and limestone designed by Clifford Shopbell & Co. in Renaissance Revival style; 1986 addition designed by Pecsok, Jelliffe, Randall & Nice. One of 1, 679 libraries built in U.S. with funds from philanthropist Andrew Carnegie. Indiana built more Carnegie libraries than any other state

Free Public Library, Jersey City, New Jersey

[LIB7011] - Our mission is to study Jersey City's colorful past and to provide the public with entertaining accounts of our bygone eras. Our studies rely upon the resources of the library's New Jersey Room, as well as oral histories, public information and legend.
About the Jersey City Historical Project:
Location: Main Library - Fourth Floor
472 Jersey Avenue, Jersey City
The Historical Project Office is not open to the public. Visitors are welcome by appointment.
Contacts: Bob Leach, Director

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

1974 Typical Dutch Bookstore Scene

[LIB7008] Very nice old postcard.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

1909 Library, Humboldt, Iowa

[LIB6590] Built of native limestone in 1909 from a Carnegie endowment, the original library is now joined by an addition built in 1992.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Emory's rare books library gets a new director - AP State Wire News - The Sacramento Bee

Emory's rare books library gets a new director - AP State Wire News - The Sacramento Bee: Emory's rare books library gets a new director. Emory vice president and secretary Rosemary Magee has been named director of the university's Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library.

Read more here:

Friday, September 7, 2012

Overdue Library Book Returned, After 78 Years, During Chicago Library's Amnesty Period

Overdue Library Book Returned, After 78 Years, During Chicago Library's Amnesty Period: "The Chicago Public Library was reunited last week with a book so many years overdue no one even realized it was missing from its shelves.

In the midst of a rare, three-week amnesty program -- where the nation's third-largest city's library system is forgiving fines for any overdue items that are returned to them -- the library received a limited edition copy of Oscar Wilde's classic "The Picture of Dorian Gray," Reuters reports."

'via Blog this'

Rare collection under threat as Delhi library faces closure - NY Daily News

One of India's oldest libraries - established by 19th Century colonial officers who donated British and Indian first editions - is facing closure after government funding was withdrawn. Writers and scholars, among others, have rallied together to save the library.


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Porter Memorial Library, Machias, Maine

[LIB6865] Porter Memorial Library was originally established as a Library Society in the early 1800's. Membership and borrowing privileges were given only to individuals able to purchase a share in the library and pay an annual assessment. Rufus King Porter, a local lawyer and prominent member of Machias society, housed the book collection in his law office on Cooper Street for many years. The first book catalogue printed in 1843 listed 600 titles. The Machias Library Association was established in 1874. Henry Homes Porter, a Chicago businessman and son of Rufus King Porter, donated $10,000 to the Association in 1891 for a library to be built and named in honor of his father. Boston architect George Clough, a native of Blue Hill, Maine, designed not only Porter Library but also Buck Memorial Library in Bucksport, Maine, our elder architectural twin. Still in use as a library! []

Finney Library, Clintonville, Wisconsin

[LIB6864] In June of 1914 the library board chose a committee of three to consider a new location for the library and to inquire about a Carnegie grant. Carnegie funds were received and Dr. W.H. Finney donated land on which to build the Finney Library. The building was dedicated in 1917. []

1908 Carnegie Library, Salem, Ohio

[LIB6863] Grandview Cemetery DatabaseThis database contains records of burials at Grandview Cemetery, 1399 Franklin Ave, Salem OH 44460.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

1939 Lawson-McGhee Library, Knoxville, Tennessee

[LIB6860] Lawson McGhee Library is believed to be the oldest continuously functioning public library in East Tennessee. The original Lawson McGhee Library building, now known as the Rebori building, still stands today at the corner of Gay Street and Summit Hill Drive despite having been completely gutted by fire in 1904.

1909 Public Library, Jackson, Michigan

[LIB6859] In 1901 Andrew Carnegie donated $70,000 for the construction of a library building in the city of Jackson.

The Carnegie building became the main branch for the newly created district in 1978. In 1981, with a bequest from Mrs. Mable MinterVan Orman, a circular structure was built at the rear of the library. This added an elevator, history room, back lobby and a children's storytelling room.

The Carnegie building was designated a State Historical site in 1979 and a National Historical site in 1980.

1911 Library, Ashby, Massachusetts

[LIB6858] The library was founded in 1874 "largely through the efforts of Rev. George S. Shaw." In the 1890s it was "kept in a private house" open to the public Tuesday and Friday afternoons. Around 1890 the Ashby library had "1,584 volumes, with which its inhabitants have a pleasant and profitable acquaintance."

In 1901 businessman and Civil War veteran Edwin Chapman donated a new building, which opened in 1902.[]

Public Library, Grand Forks, North Dakota


1901 Andrew Carnegie agrees to donate funding for a new Public Library building.

1902 Library Board purchases one quarter block on the comer of 5th and Alpha for $5,000, awards contracts for construction at $23,000, and purchases equipment for $4,000.

1903 Public Library opens with 500 books for persons of good deportment.

1907 Spafford Library, Springfield, Vermont

[LIB6856] Still in use as a library.

Springfield Town Library, 43 Main Street: (c,1895; enlarged 1928, 1938, 1966-67, 1978).

1-story plus full basement, hip-roofed brick Renaissance Revival style library with a rusticated foundation, brick masonry walls, brick and terra cotta trim, and a slate-covered roof. The main building was erected in 1895 and has a T-shaped plan with a 40' x 56' main section and a 28' x 30' west wing. To this was added a 36' x 36' children's room to the south (on Main Street) in 1928, a 24' x 28' stack area to the rear of the original wing in 1938, a fire exit to the wing addition and new entrance steps to the main building in 1966-67, and a 50' x 50' addition to the rear of the 1928 wing in 1978. The 1928 "Barnard" wing was built in the same style as the main building, using the same scale, materials, and architectural details. All of the other additions are not visible from Main Street and they are sympathetic to the scale and material of the original building. The main block of the library exhibits iron ridge cresting; an entablature with a consoled cornice and terra cotta mouldings; an entrance pavilion with Corinthian corner pilasters and a pedimented gable with a circular terra cotta date plaque "1895"; a frieze with "Spafford Library Building~ inscribed; and the main entrance with a decorated round-arched pediment with round terra cotta state seal in the tympanum. Quoins mark the corners of the main block and the south wing. The windows are 1/1 with triangular pediments supported by consoles.

The Springfield Town Library was erected in 1895 with a $20,000 bequest left to the town by Henry Harrison Spafford. Originally known as the Spafford Library Building, it is now referred to as the Springfield Town Library. The building was designed by architects Willard P. Adden of Reading, Mass., and Russell W. Porter of Boston. []

1907 Public Library, Pomona, California

[LIB6855] June 11, 1903. Construction is completed on the new Carnegie Library.