
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Public Library, Connersville, Indiana


The articles incorporating the Connersville Public Library were filed with the county recorder November 18, 1893. Previous to that date it had existed, through the aid of private contributions, for three years. By far the larger portion of these contributions was given by the factories as individual institutions. As many as eight of them subscribed $50 each, annually, for the three years. Public-spirited citizens also aided in the furnishing of means. Hon. F. T. Roots was quite influential in getting the library and reading-room into good running condition.

At the beginning of its life as an incorporated library, three directors, R. C. Wright, L. L. Broaddus, and W. F. L. Sanders were chosen, the latter being appointed secretary and treasurer.

Some time after the death of Mr. Wright, Mrs. C. D. Beck was chosen to fill the vacancy. This lady and the other two of the original directors, constitute the present board.

The number of volumes is 1,954; the number added yearly being at present about one hundred. The council supports the library by a tax levy of three cents on the $100. The average circulation per day is fifteen. The number of borrowers is approximately 500. The population of the city is 7,000. The use of the library is limited to the city.

The library is kept in a rented room, on a second floor; open six days per week from 2:00 P. M. to 5:00 P. M., and from 7:00 P. M. to 10:00 P. M., except on legal holidays. The books are partially classified according to subjects. The young people have access to the shelves containing the books suitable for them. The high school pupils are becoming much interested in making the library serve them in their study.

The present librarian is Miss Belle Ball, who is well qualified for the duties, having taken special pains to prepare herself for the work.
The total annual expenditure for all library purposes is $900. The annual expenditure for periodicals is about $100; the most important of these are bound and placed upon the shelves as reference books.

We are well aware that our library is, as yet, very small and our means very limited; but we believe that it will never be smaller, and that it will, in a few years, be reckoned among the best in the state.

W. F. L. Sanders, Sec. and Treas.

[Municipal and institutional libraries of Indiana: History, condition and management (Google eBook). Indiana. Louisiana purchase exposition commission]

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