
Monday, October 22, 2012

Carnegie Library, Syracuse, Indiana

[LIB6680] An interesting note about the architecture: Recipients of Carnegie funds were encouraged to build in any architectural style they wished, but Carnegie did make two stipulations. One, there had to be a staircase leading up to the front doors. Carnegie believed that by climbing steps to enter a library, it represented elevation of mind by learning. Also, he wanted a lamp or lamppost outside of every library he helped to build, as he believed a lamppost symbolized enlightenment by learning. Carnegie also sent a portrait of himself to every library built with Carnegie Corporation funds, so that no one ever forgot their benefactor. The Syracuse Public Library still displays the portrait we received from Carnegie. Read more interesting facts on the Library Website!

1 comment:

  1. I have been visiting and photographing Carnegie Libraries for several years. I haven't made it to Syracuse yet. I knew about the stairs leading to the entrance but not about the lampost (even though I have noticed that many have them!) Thanks for the information.
