
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

1936 Taylor Library, Milford, Connecticut

[LIB2366] The Taylor Library at Milford, Conn., the gift of Mr. Henry Augustus Taylor, was dedicated on the afternoon of Feb. 2. The building is of granite, in Colonial style, and stands in Broad Street, on ground given by the town, which has pledged itself, also, to contribute a certain turn annually for the maintenance of the institution for fifty years. There is, of course, a large and commodious reading-room, but the library proper deserves a moment's attention. It is divided into seven large alcoves, which have nearly all been taken in charge by representative Milford families, each family furnishing its special alcove with choice books. These alcoves naturally group themselves around the "Colonial Alcove," founded by the late Nathan Gillette Pond—a memorial to the early settlers of the town, furnished with gift books by their descendants. The rest of the space at the architect's disposal has been used for a reference-room, where are kept, also, the books that cannot be taken from the library. [The critic, Issues 672-697 (Google eBook)]

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