
Monday, September 26, 2011

Public Library, Ayer, Massachusetts

[LIB2535] - A despatch from Ayer, Mass., states that Frederick F. Ayer, of New York, who about a year ago gave $5000 to the public library of Ayer, had placed himself in communication with the town authorities of Ayer, announcing his intention of buying land opposite the High School and building on it a structure to be presented to the town for a library, and that the deed was passed and suitable resolutions were to be drawn up in acknowledgment of the gift. Mr. Ayer was seen by a Tribune reporter at his office, No. 35 Wall Street, and he said: "The despatch is correct except that part which says I would do yet more for the town bearing my family name. That is something I cannot confirm. The town was named after my father.

"I have given the town a lot having a frontage of 100 feet, and a depth of some 200 feet, opposite the high school. I intend building the handsomest library building in Massachusetts. I have photographs of existing buildings of this nature, and shall put up something superior to them all. The building will be of stone and iron — absolutely fire-proof. There will not be a strip of wood in it, if I can help it. Even the shelves and casings will be of metal. The floors throughout will be of stone. I have not yet determined on the plans or style of architecture, but the building will be large enough to hold from 20,000 to 50,000 volumes. The present library already numbers from 10,000 to 15,000 volumes." [Courtesy of Google Books, read more here]

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