
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Public Library, Lockport, New York

[LIB9172] Building still in use as a public library.

The inadequate quarters of the library were strained during the depression years and the circulation reached 163,000 in 1934. The long-felt need for a separate building became more acute every year. Two bequests gave impetus to the Trustees’ desire to plan an adequate building. The will of Mrs. Elvira Wheeler provided a sum for construction and furnishings and Mrs. Ann M. Sawyer bequeathed the present site on East Avenue. The Trustees then arranged to qualify for aid under the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works, leaving a balance of only $18,000 to be raised by the city. The raising of these funds was the subject of much dispute and threatened legal action by the library trustees. The building was valued at $140,000 at the time of its dedication in June 1936. [website]

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